W.E.E. MusicTime is an original curriculum for young children that creatively integrates music into literacy experiences. There are several parallels between reading music and learning to read print. This music-integrated curriculum supports pre-kindergarten readiness skills and K-3 literacy in the following areas:
1. Auditory and visual discrimination;
2. Attentive listening and language reception;
3. Oral communication;
4. Development of sight vocabulary; and
5. Visual-sequential memory.
The 40-minute, live sessions are designed for parents and children ages 4 through 8 and are organized into two seasons that follow the 9-month, academic school calendar. Both Fall and Spring seasons are organized into eight(8), bi-weekly sessions that include the reading of award-winning children's books, singing, moving to music, as well as creating and playing instruments. All activities occur in a warm and engaging parent-and-child environment. Special guest appearances by Dr. Marta Collier, renown early childhood specialist and author, support parent engagement in at-home learning. https://martacollier.com
You can begin this celebration of the natural connection between music and reading TODAY.
Email from the HOME page to learn more about how you and your children can get started with this creative, research-based approach to literacy!